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Is it March yet?


Moms, have you ever sat back, looked at your children and wondered, "well, how did I create these incredible tiny humans" while in the same breath going, "if I disappeared, would they notice?" I think I am going to have to start adding WWE referee to my already extensive CV. I am in one word, #exhausted. My hubby and I are always preaching, sharing is caring. They took that to the nth degree and have decided that along with sharing toys, they also want to share their germs. Isn't that great? Mama isn't quite as resilient as she used to be while my husband has the immune system that is made of steel.

Lets go back 55 days, New Years Eve, and talk about what I chose for my word of the year to be. After quite a challenging 2022, I knew I needed to find some peace. Peace in my soul, my attitude, my face, my family, all the things. So, PEACE became my word of the year. I lasted approximately 2 weeks before all of the anxiety came crashing down on me like a huge tidal wave. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I suffer from severe anxiety from the largest thing to the smallest thing. My husband has suggested that I head to the Dr. to up my Lexapro. Just add it to the list, my love. One of the things I realized last year was that I spent entirely too much time on my phone. Now, I used to be in direct sales and was abruptly fired with 7 hours notice 2 weeks before Christmas (looking at you Matilda Jane) and made a vow on that day that since I didn't need to be on my phone to be working that I would take a step back from the technology and start picking up books again. I LOVE TO READ! It is what keeps that anxiety at bay and I hope that by osmosis its teaching my children some good habits. I say by osmosis because I don't read to them quite like I should. (Adds to the ever growing list). As of this morning (02/24), I am on book #20. Yes, I still spend time with my family. Yes, I still clean house. Still find time to workout. Yes, the laundry is folded and the dishes are done and again, all the things. I utilize their nap time. And carpool time. And I find nothing wrong with them having some independent time with each other and solo.

Here is where I am going to talk about all the books I'm reading, some #momlife things. I am always open to suggestions on how to work smarter, not harder.

So kick back with a good cup of coffee and I hope that you'll laugh and can maybe relate to what I have to say.

Oh and I suppose I should tell you a little about me. I'm Carrie Bradley! I have been married to my precious husband for almost 7 years and we have been together almost 10. We have two incredible children. Our daughter, P, who is 5, and our son, F, who is 3. You'll learn more about me as we go. I can't give away all my secrets in the beginning because then, where's the fun in that?

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